Welcome to the Lion's den.

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog. It has taken me a lot of pushing and urging for me to finally pen something down.
I have decided to share my thoughts on life,  purpose and leadership in a simple manner and hopefully help lots of people struggling with the journey of life to get some snippets that might aid making their life journey .
My background of growing up in a military environment plus early involvement in church institutions and my experience in working in five large companies and living in four countries will influence a lot of my writing. I will also draw lessons from football and golf which are two games I enjoy playing.
I titled this welcome to the Lion's den simply because among my football friends,  I am known as the Teranga Lion.
I look forward to sharing every week and an opportunity to rub minds with anyone looking to get better every day.
Have a beautiful week and kind regards,
Alex Goma aka Teranga Lion


  1. Looking forward to this weekly....It's a long time coming.

  2. Looking forward to this weekly....It's a long time coming.

  3. Will definitely follow your weekly post because I am sure each post will come with something important to learn.

  4. Great! Learning from Sir Alex himself. Expectant......

  5. Great to tap from the experience of the Teranga Lion

  6. Books space to learn from a great mind. Thank you.

  7. Long awaited, finally arrived!
    Well done Alex! Excited as I prepare to read the richness from here. Congratulations, The Lion starts strong.....

  8. Great! Pay attention everyone ...


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